Tuesday 25 October 2011

True awesome story

My servant has come from the most backward area of rural Sindh. A place where feudalism is at its peak. Growing up in that atmosphere ones first instinct is to survive. Poverty and lack of social awareness makes their lives a living hell. They dont have roofs over their homes, and on top of it are besieged with natural disasters. No wonder the youth turn to the life of crime because they are neglected and have no other alternative.

However here is the awesome part of the story. My servant has this thirst for knowledge. He already knew how to read Sindhi he wanted to learn English as well. Instead of turning to a life of crime he wanted to work hard and study. With my job and studies I did not have much time to teach him but he was relentless in convincing. I taught him ABC and how to spell. He caught up pretty fast. Now I am teaching him basic English words and how to structure them. He can now spell words and say sentences like " I am working" or "He is going". He also knows the words "honey" and "sweetheart". Pretty sure his wife back home will be pleased. First he used to say "subuh thee wai ahai" meaning "subah hogai hai" in Urdu when waking me up. Now he says "its morning". English, Urdu or Sindhi I still feel its a crime to wake somebody up at 8 am but thats a different story altogether.

In short we all should try and educate at least one person in our life time. That's the only way our country will improve. God bless and stay awesome.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Arranged marriages. Do they work?

When I got to know my mother was getting me engaged to a girl I had never even met I was sick to my stomach. I remember I was attending a birthday of my a good friend when I got that message and all the life drained from me. My friends thought I was having a seizure. I was a guy who used to enjoy socializing with different girls hence the thought of arranged marriage was very repulsive at the time.
When I did meet my fiance for the first time (forcefully) I was pleasantly surprised that she was not the monster with fangs, red eyes and whiskers as I had thought but a very normal person whose company I would enjoy had I met her some other place. We became friends and very quickly I grew more and more fond of her. She was smart, witty and could match me word by word. In short in a couple of months I fell in love with the same girl whom I so despised even before meeting her.
My mother gloats now when she sees me happy and going out with my fiance so often. The saying is mostly true. Parents do know whats best for their children (most of the time). I cant really answer if arranged marriages work or not. It is more to do with how you get along with your partner and the mutual trust and respect you build for each other. Arranged marriage, love marriage it all boils down to mutual respect and understanding. Women arent your property, men arent your ATM machines. Know that and live a blissful life.

This blog is dedicated to Sugi, the only person who can smack me in the head and live when im biting my nails or cursing at crazy truck wala drivers.

Monday 10 October 2011